Since the day Adam and Eve, under the influence of Satan himself, fell from their holy and happy state, mankind has been looking for someone or something to blame. For Eve, it was Satan. For Adam, it was Eve, and for Satan, there was no one else to blame. The consequences of the fall were […]
The Greek word for joy is chara, pronounced with a (K). It indicates inner joy from a source other than oneself or one’s circumstances. It is not happiness because happiness is dependent upon what happens to us. It is not pleasure because pleasure is a product of circumstances at any given moment. Joy is not […]
The Bible says in Genesis chapter 1:1; ” In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”. This simple, straightforward statement that scripture asserts, demands faith to acknowledge and believe. The evidence of divine architecture is displayed throughout creation, as is intelligent design, even down to the smallest molecule. Psalm 19:1 says, ” The […]
My father-in-law, Buddy Fletcher, was an avid fisherman. Anyone who knew him and liked fishing had run into him on Douglas Lake during the Sauger/Walleye/Crappie season will affirm this to be true. Buddy was a retired truck driver from Wal-Mart, a loving father and husband, and a good man. He owned a G3X fishing boat […]
With the Palm Sunday in view and Easter Sunday just around the corner, I felt compelled by the Holy Spirit to share some thoughts on the Glorious Hope of Christ’s Blood. In the narrative of Exodus12:13 we read, “And the blood shall be for you a token upon the houses where ye are and when […]